Celebrate National Coffee Day With Teeth Whitening!

At Buckwalter Dental Care, we know how important that morning cup of coffee is for your daily routine! National Coffee Day is on September 29, and it’s a perfect day to enjoy a cup of joe and a whitening treatment! It’s common knowledge that coffee stains your teeth and that a whitening from time to time can help you combat yellowing. Here are a few things to keep in mind when it comes to coffee, your enamel, and professional whitening from Buckwalter Dental Care: 

Why Does Coffee Stain Your Teeth?

Coffee and other dark beverages (such as tea, wine and cola) all contain certain types of polyphenols, called “tannins.” Over time, these compounds build up on your teeth, staining and discoloring them. To remove these stains, professional whitening treatments use a special type of whitening compound called a peroxide. Peroxides contain volatile oxygen molecules, which can “bleach” the stain away by destroying the chemical bonds that hold it onto your teeth. 

The Benefits Of Teeth Whitening

  • Whitening ensures that you feel confident about your smile. 
  • Teeth whitening also makes you look younger. Our teeth tend to become yellow and dull with age, so whitening your smile will help rejuvenate your appearance. 
  • Treatment is completely non-invasive and very affordable compared to other cosmetic dentistry treatments
  • You can get great results in just one appointment with Dr. Darrah at Buckwalter Dental Care

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Last?

Whitening your teeth will restore your smile, but it will not prevent future stains from building up. Most patients keep their white smiles for about a year, though proper care can extend your results for two or even three years. Yearly touch-up appointments are a great option if you want to keep your teeth white for the years and decades to come! 

Tips to Keep Your Smile Bright

  • Cut back on your coffee consumption. If that’s not an option, we recommend using a straw to drink coffee, as this minimizes its contact with your teeth. 
  • Rinse your mouth and brush after drinking coffee or other dark beverages to prevent stains from building up on your teeth. 
  • Proper oral hygiene is also important for keeping your smile bright. Brushing and flossing daily, and seeing Dr. Darrah for regular six-month cleanings will help remove plaque and prevent tooth stains.
  • Brush with a whitening toothpaste and use a whitening mouthwash to keep your smile bright for a longer period of time. Look for products that contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. 
  • Do not use charcoal “whitening” toothpaste. This toothpaste is highly abrasive and it can permanently damage your enamel. 

Love Coffee? Hate Tooth Stains? Schedule A Consultation Today! 

We know that coffee lovers will never give up their favorite caffeine fix, and that’s why we offer teeth whitening to help control coffee stains! If you’re looking to reverse stains caused by coffee consumption, contact Buckwalter Dental Care right away at (843) 815-3232, or stop by our office at 31 Innovation Dr, #2, Bluffton, SC 29910.

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